I say "Fashion is what i feel like wearing today"... Anyway seeing as what i feel like wearing is totally unpredictable i am going to give the world a set of rules to a way of dressing that will never go out of fashion. The only style of dressing that remains cool even if im not wearing it. YES! it is "The JazzMan!"
- A Basic idea of the look:
The JazzMan is more than just clothes it is a way of living. It is a way of saying to the world "im awesome, look my clothes prove it!"
- Lets start at the bottom : Shoes
You shoes can make or break this look! They should preferably be 3 1/2 sizes bigger than your normal size. Another very important aspect about these shoes are they may never, under any circumstance be the same colour. I do give you freedom in choosing your colour as long as it is very lumo and bright.
2. Next We have the socks...
Your socks should always be very bright! They may not be the same colour as its pair. Just like the shoes. Your socks should be pulled up over your pants. It is crucial though that your socks only go up to 2.1123cm below your kneecap or 1,124cm above it... no more and no less...below we have the perfect example of a JazzMan sock! Now this guy has got style!
3. Next Are The Actual Pants...
Always wear pants that are extremely baggy on the left and skinny on the right. If you have learnt anything about the JazzMan style by now, you should know that the two sides must be the same colour. Else it would just look weird right... Your pants must come up to either 3 cm above your belly button or 2.1cm below your left nipple and 2.2cm below your right nipple.
4. Your shirt:
Your shirt may be a T-shirt or a golf shirt or a collar shirt or even a button shirt. The only important rule is that it is tie dyed... And that it is tucked into your pants! all the way! This will most probably cause you to look like a little frog boy but that is super cool! Take it from me, chicks dig frogboys!
5. Your hat.
Now that is a JazzHat!!!
So now you know the basic look of a JazzMan... Next is the walk. Do you really believe you will ever see a logically thinking man walk around in a JazzMan suite walking normally??? Heck No!! You walk with a limp, like an old school pimp... Or you skip around like little girls do...Thats logic bru!
I am not going to further instruct you on how to become a JazzMan... I will show you. So next time you see me going to the bowl, skate park or movies i shall dress like a JazzMan and illustrate to you exactly how cool they are.
Ooh i wanna see that outfit hey!!:)